SDKs integration

Client SDKs can be autogenerated (see bi-service-sdk plugin) for web services built with the bi-service framework.
Here, we go through integration of generated service SDKs with your other (bi-service based) services.


services: {
    user: { //service name
        public: { //app name within the service
            host: 'localhost:3000',
            protocol: 'http', //optional - defaults to http(s) depending on `ssl` option value
            ssl: false,
            npm: 'user-public-sdk' //npm package which exports the client SDK module


    const UserServiceSDK = require('user-public-sdk')['v1.0'];

    const service = new Service(config);
    const remoteServiceMgr = service.getRemoteServiceManager();

    //1. Looks for `services.user.public.npm` option value in config
    //2. Loads `user-public-sdk` npm module
    //3. Initializes the SDK, saves it into internal register and returns the SDK object
    remoteServiceMgr.buildRemoteService('user:public:v1.0', {/*sdk constructor options*/});

    //Manual initialization is an alternative for the `buildRemoteService` call above
    const sdk = new UserServiceSDK({
            errors: { // map custom Error constructors to request response codes
            400: RequestError,
            500: ServiceError
            //accepts also all `axios` options
    remoteServiceMgr.add('user:public', sdk);

Accessing the SDKs

    router.buildRoute({/*options*/}).main(function(req, res) {
        const remoteServiceMgr =;
        return remoteServiceMgr.get('user:public:v1.0').getUser({
            data: {username: 'happie'}


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