Logging functionality is provided by bi-logger package (which comes with bi-service
as one of the dependencies) whose default configuration defaults to file system logging with process.cwd() + '/logs'
destination directory.
By default only uncaughtExceptions
and errors
will be logged (warnings and other non-critical data are excluded).
The service logging can be reconfigured by providing your $PROJECT_ROOT/config/$NODE_ENV/config.json5
config file with logs
(It will get fetched automatically once on a Service
instantiation )
logs: {
exitOnError: false, // determines whether a process will exit with status code 1 on 'uncaughtException' event
transports: [
type: 'file',
level: 'error', // maximum log level of this sepecific transport, [optional]
priority: 1, //transports with highest priority are elected to be major logging players with fallbacks to transports with lower priority
dir: 'logs', // can be absolute or relative to the node's process
autocreate: true // whether the `dir` should be created if it does not exist
type: 'console',
level: 'uncaughtException',
priority: 2
For futher information about logging configuration and behavior see the bi-logger's README.